Thursday, August 21, 2008

Early to Bed, Early to Ride

Woke up this morning at 6:15AM so I could ride over to meet Doug at the Dove Canyon waterfall. We were supposed to meet at 7AM and I ended up missing him by a few minutes so I spent the morning alone.

Towards the end of my ride on Tuesday morning I saw a crew working on one of the gates for Chiquita. There are three main gates that I normally ride through/around to get into the area and unfortunately this morning I discovered that all three are now closed and have new barbed wire fences around them.

No problem. Since going through Chiquita was the most direct route to meet with Doug and since I was running short on time I just hopped over the barbed wire fences and continued on.

Got a little lost in Chiquita due to a lot of fog. Fog on the ground and fog in my head from being up so early.

I tried to push hard to be on time to ride with Doug but when I rolled in to the waterfall at 7:09AM, he was gone. I tried to catch up to him thinking he might have taken West Ridge, but I never saw him.

After the second gate on West Ridge - right after the long, fast descent - I decided to try a new singletrack. It goes up and to the right at the turn right before the wooden shooting platform.

It was actually a lot longer than I thought it would be and turned out to be pretty fun. It dumped me off right behind some mansion in Coto. I managed to get back on to the horse trails in Coto easily and from there I was able to find my way to Riley Wilderness Park.

Once in Riley I realized I had a ton of time to kill. The ride started at 6:20AM and I didn't have to be back to my place until maybe around 8:30AM.

So I cruised around Riley several times exploring any and every trail I found. Managed to kill about 40 minutes and had a pretty good time doing it. Saw three deer hanging out, which was a bonus.

The only downside this morning (besides the barbed wire and missing Doug) was that my bike got super dirty. The fine sand combined with some morning dew in Chiquita got all over my clothes and my bike. Kind of a mess.

I'm thinking I want to start riding down near Riley and get to West Ridge as soon as possible in the mornings now. Then I can try my hand at East Ridge, Cougar and maybe even Oso. OSO!


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