Friday, February 2, 2007

The Andrew Winger Ride

Since I was feeling guilty and shamed, I decided to get something done for sure yesterday. I emailed Andrew and planned to pick up my new tires and then go for a ride after work. Somehow it's easier to wake up at 6:30am to just go into work instead of riding.

The ride was a bonus for Andrew too since we planned to leave from his house and then ride to Peter's Canyon and then back. I guess he does this ride a lot and it makes it easier for him to post the ride if he has it GPS'ed.

Matt ended up hearing about the ride somehow and invited himself along. Haha.

It rained on Wednesday this week and it was looking like it might rain yesterday as well. The fear was that we'd ride on the road and public trails to get to the park and that the park would be closed. We were lucky it wasn't.

Anyways to the ride ...

As I was telling Matt and Andrew, I would really classify this ride as a sort of "Fullerton Loop" in South Orange County. Lots of riding around homes and across streets and on horse trails.

Matt and I changed in our cars (hope those women nearby didn't see me naked ... or Matt for that matter?) and after a little chatting we were off.

We road on the road for 2.5 miles before hitting a horse trail. The next 3-4 miles were on the horse trail and I was very surprised at how steep and technical some of them were. It's not to say the trails were hyper-technical, but I was expecting smooth fire road conditions. Instead several of the ups and downs had rocks and little drops. Cool!

We finally got to Peter's Canyon and I was thrilled to see that the park was open. I went to hop over the wood barrier at the entrance and ended up making a fool of myself. I got over, but when I landed both feet came out of my clips and I fell back onto the saddle. Lame. I need to practice bunny hops _bad_.

The time spent in Peter's was the standard loop from GeoLadders. Basically around the lake and then up Big Red. It's worth noting that going up Big Red was not easy for me. Mentally I think I'm in good shape and am a strong rider, but sometimes reality conflicts with my mental image of myself. My heart rate got up to 194 going up, which is too high. Even though it was high though, I felt ok. I wasn't dizzy or sick to my stomach. Just breathing really heavily.

Picture of Big Red:

Some guy in a red jersey ended up passing me after Big Red, but not by much. I tried to stay ahead for a while before giving up. I'm still fighting my cold from Thailand a little. I just can't get the deep breaths and my chest starts to really hurt if I push too hard. Not to mention the stupid cramps.

Matt and Andrew ended up hanging with him though and said he actually sucked. Haha. I love riding with these guys.

The ride back was fun. It was cool to see all the little trails around Peter's.

After the ride it was really nice to hang out with Andrew, his wife Bridget and Matt. We went and got food at the Tustin Brewery and just talked and relaxed. Overall a really good time, which was sorely needed. I need to keep burying the guilt and shame from earlier in the week. Ha.

Picture of where I saw a rattlesnake a few months ago (right after Big Red):


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