Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pre Vision Quest Post

From Blog Pictures

[From a training ride I did a few weeks ago]

So my bike broke again after a crash and I've spent the last two weeks riding various bikes to keep the training going. I've been on my rigid SS, Matt's SS, a loaner bike from a guy I know at Felt and a GT hardtail that Andrew let me borrow.

I actually did the Counting Coup course on Matt's SS and really enjoyed it. His bike (Bianchi Rita) climbs so well and I just love the pedaling motion on it.

This year I'm trying to take a more casual approach to Vision Quest. I'm done with rides and I'm fairly satisfied with my training. I rode as much as I could considering the circumstances during any given week.

I was going to get a massage to try and work some kinks out before the ride, but decided against it.

I think the bike is in good shape and I'm a little worried about the saddle I have, but I think it'll be ok. After a recent night ride I noticed my legs were very sore and my hamstrings especially felt strained. It's a bad feeling that feels different than normal stress or soreness. It almost feels like a pull. I'm a little afraid that not training on my race bike freaked my body out on Tuesday night. Maybe the geometry or something caused some aches and pains that I normally would not get.

Either way it's too late now. The plan is to take two water bottles and some gel and relax. I don't have split times in my head this year and I'm very happy with my plan.

We'll see if things pan out. I definitely have an excess amount of energy right now and even my co-workers are asking me why I'm so happy lately (there seems to be a direct relation to my general mood and how much I'm training).

Let's hope my post Vision Quest post finds me in a good place as well.


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