Wednesday, November 29, 2006


One of my favorite old "Tooth and Nail" bands was Blenderhead. The reason I bring them up is because I've been feeling a special connection to their first album title, "Prime Candidate for Burnout".

After riding 6 days in a row last week I realized a 7th day was out of the question on Sunday (11/26/06). Instead of riding I slept and slept and slept. I ate a fair amount too, but mostly slept. I didn't have any soreness in my legs or arms, which was nice. Instead it was just an overall deep sensation of fatigue.

I ended up taking 3 full days off to rest and recover before riding this morning. That's right I said "this morning". Why is that odd? Well because it's a _Wednesday_. Usually I never ride before work because it puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day and I hate getting up early to ride.

I ended up riding "Whiting to Old Camp" this morning with Matt. It's important to note that I rode with Matt because nothing buoys the spirit more than someone to ride with. At 6AM I need all the help I can get.

To the ride! ...

I got up at 5:30Am to get ready and met Matt at 6AM in front of Whiting. It was really cold, windy and dark. Not the best condition for a ride. We rode through Whiting really slow because mountain lions won't attack if you're going really slow and cautious. At least I think that was our unspoken plan.

We hopped over to start the "luge/old camp" portion of the trail and I noticed a ton of road flares on the road at the base of Modjeska Grade Road. Found out later that some guy on his bike got hit by a car last night and had to be air-lifted out. What a shame. Hope he's ok ...

Between the gate of the truck trail to the flag Matt and I got more than our share of wind. A few spots were so windy that I felt like I might get knocked over. Not the best experience.

When we finally got to Old Camp I had about had it with the trail. The wind, the cold and the desire to be back at home were weighing heavy. We stayed about 2-3 minutes at Old Camp before turning around.

Matt always leads on the downhill parts (he is that much faster than me), and on the way back I heard a "thump" and the rustling of some bushes. A thought passed through my mind along the lines of, "Matt just went over a ledge and crashed." Then again I think that all the time and I'm always wrong. This time I was partly right.

As it turns out Matt tried to adjust his shirt while going downhill and crashed with one hand on the bike. He jacked up his leg a bit and scraped up his hand pretty good. We waited a few minutes for the shock of the crash to wear off and for him to get some strength back.

The rest of the ride was pretty uneventful. I felt tired going down The Luge, but otherwise ok.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to keep up this kind of pace for much longer. Just need to survive until Tuesday (12/5/06). The game will be over then and I can take some much needed time off.


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