Thursday, May 15, 2008


Life has become far too busy to keep up with this blog. Deadlines at work and trying to buy a house have consumed all my free time and even though I still think about biking from time to time, I haven't felt like writing anything down.

Until now.

I'm going to keep this brief by bullet pointing some thoughts I've been having lately.

- I forgot everything else I was going to write after Hurkey. Not a big loss though.

- I want to start trying to "big ring" trails. Pro riders always ride in their big rings, so why not at least try? I want to start seeing how far I can get up something like Blackstar in my big ring. Sounds crazy, but higher gears = the future.

- I want to beat my time last year from The Traverse. Ride time was 5:23, total time was 5:33. If I don't beat my ride time I'm going to be really bummed. I have not been training a lot since Hurkey.

- I'm not that excited about The Traverse. I just want it to be over. My plan is to take the smaller Camelback and eat out of the new Bentoo Box I bought (mounts on the top tube).

- I bought new tires and I'm worried about them. I couldn't find the standard Specialized Resolutions anywhere so I bought S-Works Fast Trak tires. They were more expensive, but the guy in the shop said he uses them and they're great? He was big and strong, so I bought them. They're very narrow and I'm worried I'll be sliding out a ton.

- I'm finding it hard to get mentally motivated for racing in June. I have two state series races on back to back weeks and I feel like I'm in bad shape right now. I really wish I had a better way to gauge my performance to know if I'm doing good or doing bad.

- I drove by Whiting the other night and the sign telling people to stay out was gone! Is it open?! Did someone just remove it?

- I took a day off this week from riding and I think it helped a lot. I've been way too busy lately trying to just get day to day stuff done. Even on my days off I find myself running endless errands and trying to keep all the balls in the air.

- I feel like riding three days a week isn't enough anymore. To get better I need to ride more. But when? I don't have anymore time! Haha.

That's it for now. I'm disappointed that between three cameras at Hurkey, no one from our team ever sent out pictures. Actually I take that back ... Jake sent some pictures, but everyone else just sat on their pictures I guess.


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